William Ewart Gladstone ~ The 'Grand Old Man'

Welcome to the William Gladstone website where you can find information about the only four times British Prime Minister   **PLEASE NOTE: THIS WEBSITE IS CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION** - Thank You for your patience.

This website has been designed to give an insight into the history of William E. Gladstone, his values and his place in British reform. Gladstone was referred to as 'The People's William' and this has been designed to be 'The People's Gladstone's Website'! The aim is for the information here to be in a format that is easily accessible for all.   There are highlights of longer articles on this home page.  For a full list of history related articles see the history link above.  In addition there is a page for videos and one for articles relating to the life of Gladstone, his beliefs and values.  There will also be a page for educational resources that will include school lesson resources for RE and History.  If you wish to submit an article for publication on this site please see the contact page.  

British History - what we can learn from Gladstone 

Gladstone said that all "human beings in the same flesh and blood, [are] bound by the law of mutual love; that that mutual love is not limited by the shores of this island, is not limited by the boundaries of Christian civilisation; that it passes over the whole surface of the earth, and embraces the meanest along with the greatest in its unmeasured scope.” a foreign-policy speech in 1879 (the “Midlothian campaign”), These words are still resonant today,  for justice for all, at home and throughout the world. 

His Early Years 

William Ewart Gladstone (also known as W.E Gladstone and William Gladstone) was born in Rodney Street in Liverpool on 29th December in 1809, however he was of purely Scottish descent. His parents were Sir John Gladstone and Anne MacKenzie Robertson and he was the fifth of six children...

Journey to Liberalism

Gladstone first entered the House of Commons in 1832, beginning his political career as a High Tory, which became the Conservative Party under Robert Peel in 1834. In he 1846 joined the breakaway Peelite faction, which eventually merged into the new Liberal Party in 1859....

The Grand old Man - 'The people's William' 

Gladstone was what we might call a 'household name' in his day.  He was admired and respected by every day people for a variety of reasons....

Explore the History of Gladstone

Follow the link to find out about Gladstone's Family, Career and Values

Prefer to Watch than Read?

Explore the video section for video links to history of and commentary on Gladstone's life. 

Articles on Gladstone

What have people written about Gladstone over the last century? Explore a range of ideas and opinions about Gladstone; the man, his politics and his beliefs and values

William Gladstone's Voice

William Gladstone spent much of his spare time reading and writing in his library at Hawarden Castle. 

Experience the real voice of William Gladstone through his various writings in the Quotations section below. 

Keep William Gladstone in Hawarden

Many people from Hawarden, surrounding areas and beyond have recently come together to defend keeping the memory of Gladstone in Hawarden.  This website provides information about many different aspects of William Gladstone's life, values and achievements, which are still worthy of celebrating today.  If you would like to show your support please follow the link to the petition on change.org below. 

Gladstone's Library

The Uk's finest residential library... 

The beautiful library houses William Gladstone’s book collection and his personal papers.  They have 'Sleeping with books' B&B  accommodation, reading rooms, Food For Thought bistro and more  It's a wonderful place to visit for study or for leisure.

The library was founded by William Gladstone in 1894. Gladstone wheeled 32,000 books three quarters of a mile between his home at Hawarden Castle and the library. 

As an institution they uphold and support what William Gladstone stood for – his liberal attitudes, his dedication to human rights, his commitment to democracy and his tolerance of other beliefs. 

Gladstone in Hawarden

William Gladstone lived at Hawarden Castle with his family for much of his later life.  He died in Hawarden in 1898.

Sir William Gladstone (1925-2018)

Sir Erskine William Gladstone was the great-grandson of William E. Gladstone.  

Sir William served in the Royal Naval Reserves during the Second World War.  Later he was a teacher in Shrewsbury and at Eton, and Head Master of Lancing.

He had significant public roles serving the local and national community.  He was Chief Scout for 10 years and a Chairman for the representative body of the Church in Wales for 15 years.  

He was described by those who knew him as a kind and patient man, a good judge of character and as having a commitment to the wellbeing of every member of the community.  


This website is committed to the works and memory of William Gladstone.  It is an independent project.    © Copyright. All rights reserved.